Gathering the Community: the Playscape at Ripley will provide a unique, beautiful place for all the residents of Concord and the surrounding towns to relax, play, socialize and gather.
Nature-Based Play: the Playscape at Ripley's flexible, non-prescriptive design will invite children to constantly reinvent their play experiences and approach the Playscape in a new way each visit, increasing their understanding of nature and each other.
Ecological Awareness and Stewardship: the Playscape at Ripley will reconnect visitors to local natural surroundings through hands-on experiences, in intimate and wondrous ways that will help to promote current and future environmental stewardship.
Universal Accessibility: the Playscape at Ripley will empower, challenge, and include children and adults of all physical and intellectual abilites, engaging them on multiple levels – physical, social and sensory.
Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher. William Wordsworth